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冰球突破豪华版试玩(GBCC)与 大无线 (Rave Mobile Safety) to provide a new emergency alert system capable of delivering messages to your college email and personal email addresses, 还有你的座机和手机. Below is new information on how to update or enroll in the new system

GBCC ALERTS is 冰球突破豪华版试玩’s emergency notification system that will help ensure rapid and reliable mass communication to students, 教师, 和工作人员. The GBCC ALERT system is designed to communicate with cell phones (text and voice messages), 固定电话, 电子邮件系统, 如果发生危机, emergency situation or weather closure/delay occur on the GBCC campus.

学生, 教师 和工作人员 should register for GBCC alerts to receive the latest information on campus emergencies delivered to their cell phone (voice or text message) and email account.

重要提示: GBCC ALERTS are for emergency situations such as closure due to weather, 校园封锁, 停电, etc… GBCC ALERTS are not used for cancelation of individual classes. Class cancelations are handled by instructors through college email or Canvas.

你可以注册 GBCC警报 (大无线),然后点击注册按钮. You must have a CCSNH email address to register, this includes students, 教师 和工作人员. 如果您忘记了用户名和/或密码, 在登录页面上有帮助的链接.

注意: Please read the disclaimer below* as there is not a guarantee of delivery due to situations which are outside of the CCSNH or 大无线 control.

GBCC警报 is just one method the College will use to communicate information during an emergency. The campus will continue to use a variety of other notification methods as appropriate. 请继续查看此页以获取进一步更新.


当我收到GBCC ALERTS消息时,我应该怎么做?
There are three things you should do when you receive an GBCC ALERTS notification message:

  1. 读/听信息——不要忽视它!
  2. 提醒其他人. During classes, professors and other students may have their cell phones turned off. 如果你在教室里, please advise the professor so that he or she may assist you in taking appropriate action. If you’re at work, let your coworkers know about the alert. 帮助传播信息非常重要.
  3. 请按照留言中给出的指示操作. The instructions will be direct and specific to the particular situation. 一定要认真遵守. If the situation requires it, additional messages will be transmitted to update you.

The information you provide for GBCC警报 belongs to 冰球突破豪华版试玩. Our vendor (大无线) ensures that none of your cell phone or e-mail information will be sold, 以任何方式提供或分享给任何人. It’s against federal law for them to share or sell personal student information.

Do students, 教师 和工作人员 need to register to activate this service?
Yes if you wish to receive notifications via text/phone calls or email. 所有的学生, 教师 和工作人员 are strongly encouraged to register and provide their emergency contact information at www.getrave.com/login/greatbay. If you wish to receive alerts for more than one campus you will need to register for each campus you want to receive alerts from. Keep in mind the reliability of the GBCC警报 system is dependent on the accuracy of the contact information you provide – please keep it updated.

Does this mean that I should leave my cell phone on in class?
No. Classroom cell phone use will continue to be guided by policies set by GBCC or the individual instructor.

There is no charge for registering – the total cost is covered by the College. However, costs associated with text messaging are dependent on the phone plan you are on. Some phone plans apply nominal charges for text messages which GBCC alerts will not reimburse, 所以一定要检查你的手机合约.

当你更换手机供应商时, 但是保留你现有的手机号码, 它被认为是“移植的”,” and doesn’t need to be reregistered for the CCSNH Alerts system.

学生, 教师 和工作人员 should update their contact information by logging into the 大无线 网站在更新任何他们的信息.

Will I receive unsolicited messages (“SPAM”) on my cell phone or e-mail account?
No. GBCC警报 and 大无线 will not sell your contact info to third party marketers.

学生, 教师 和工作人员 can discontinue receiving messages at any time by logging into the 大无线 site and removing their contact information.

What if I need help registering or changing my contact information?
For assistance with the alert system students, 教师 和工作人员 should contact the GBCC服务台 and submit a ticket or visit the Help Desk on the 2nd floor of the Portsmouth Campus.


*CCSNH has retained a vendor (大无线) to provide emergency notification services to those who request it. Both CCSNH and the vendor will attempt to provide accurate information and appropriate instruction in a timely manner using the contact information you have provided. 通过注册这些服务, you recognize and agree that neither CCSNH nor the vendor will be held liable in the event of a failure to provide notice or in the event that inaccurate information or faulty instructions are given. CCSNH reserves the rights to use emergency contact information for the critical business of the college but only after other methods of contact have failed. CCSNH与供应商不共享, 出售或以其他方式提供您的信息, 没有你的允许, 任何其他个人或实体.